What I’ve been up to in the last 11ish months

Hey guys, welcome back to the blog. Now I know I have been away for a while (well, maybe a long while) from all aspects of my blog (instagram, email, etc) but with good reason. This year was my last year of high school and of the IB program (yay!) and managing the blog, getting ready for the exams, and the countless applications that I had to do for universities was too much for me to juggle. In the month of may, I wrote over 26 hours worth of exams and handled endless stressed.

But like they say, all terrible things come to an end (well, its all good things, but 26+ hours of exams were not my definition of a good time). I am officially back, the same as ever! Though it might be a slow start up to going through 11 months worth of emails (help me), and getting reused to a rythim, I promise you that the adventures will continue (mostly in BC, but I’ll make it worth your while 😉 )

The only thing I gotta say, is stay tuned for more things to come and let me know if there is anything travel related that you’d like me to write about (or not travel related). Until next time.

